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Moving forward in an empowered way

Have you ever walked on the beach and got a piece of sand in your shoe?

It's a beautiful day and you are beginning your walk on the beach.  You may not even know that there is a pebble of sand in your shoe.  You continue to the path in your unique journey.

You stumble a little as you move forward.

You are aware that you are a little uncomfortable, but you ignore it.  You know you can push through it, but more sand has accumulated and you are really uncomfortable.  There comes a point when you say, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH".

You stop, take off your shoe and you dump out the sand.

It wasn't the first pebble that was the problem, but the accumulation that made it very uncomfortable.

This is what happens in our daily lives.

It's the cumulative effect of our unresolved experiences along with the thoughts, feelings, and emotions that create problems in our daily lives.

It's not usually the first trauma that is problematic, but every time we tap into the energy of betrayal, dishonesty, rejection and/or fear, the pattern becomes more ingrained in our energy systems. Eventually, the energy is overwhelming and we can't deal with it anymore. Each one of these experiences takes away some of our life force and vitality and we start feeling blocked or stuck.

Some of us are still operating with old, outdated patterns that prevent us from really being our authentic Self.

It is time to tap into the freedom that is available to all of us

When we remove what isn't working, we build on new insights that will make your life run more efficiently. The correction resolves your problem and the answer holds the potential of something that is new and different.

When we apply the Yuen Method of Wellness to your current life situation, your life improves.

The Yeun Method of Wellness is an empowering revolutionary energy healing modality. The energetic changes happen from within. There is an innate intelligence that is available to all of us. When we tap into this knowledge, we identify the energetic thread that holds these patterns together. We have the key to resolve your current life challenges.

For many of us, we've gone from one expert to another in hopes of improving specific areas in our lives. And sometimes we've been discouraged because we didn't get the results we were hoping for. We may have been given the wrong answers, some misinformation, and we may have felt helpless. And in the end, your situation has become more problematic, you now have more worries and concerns. The answer that will resolve your current life challenge may be very different than you thought, it may be in the non-material realm, which is not limited by time and space.

Step 1:
Learn How You Can Resolve Your Issues

Let the process begin!

The Yuen Method

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Step 3:
Schedule a Session

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The 3 Principles of the Yuen Method